Fergie wrote:
> -- James Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The following recent preprint deals with the subject of this thread:
>> A. Kate, G. Zaverucha and I. Goldberg
>> Pairing-Based Onion Routing   pdf
>> CACR 2007-08
>> http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/techreports/2007/cacr2007-08.pdf
> I'm quite happy to see some objective dialog on the list
> again. :-)
> - ferg
I have a very incomplete proposal for adding this to tor. It is badly
written and probably breaks a lot of stuff.  A lot more work needs
doing, like on how we get a distributed PKG.
Watson Ladd

Title:The pairing-based key negotiation protocol
Last modified:
Author:Watson Ladd

Overview: This document describes a new version of the tor protocol
          that uses pairing-based cryptography following [1].

Motivation: The protocol described in [1] is much more efficient in both
            bandwith and CPU then the current protocol.

Backwards-compatability: Sadly, use of the VERSION cell will negate some of the
                         advantages of the new protocol. This is very much
                         a work in progress. Current solution is a new cell

Section 0.0: Magic Numbers
Section 1.0: Circuit Establisment
Section 1.1: The distributed PKG.
Section 2.1: The new directory format

Section 0.0: Magic Numbers
        Curve P-521 in FIPS 186 [2] is to be used. New cell types is defined:
         The master key expiration period is 24 hours exact to the nearest
         second. The private key expiration period is one hour to the nearest

Section 1.0: Circuit establishment
        In 1.1 the orgin of v_m, U, and sU will be mentioned. v_m is a
        timestamp consisting of the number of seconds since midnight
        Jan 1, 1970 to the begining of the Master Key Validity Period.
        Let i be an index variable taken over all OR's in the circuit.
        Then let Q_vi=H(v||ID_i) where v is the timestamp at the begining
        of the Private Key Validity Period, and ID_i is the ID of router i.
        Then let y_vi=P(sU, Q_vi). Let r_i be random integers not zero in
        Z_n where n is the size of the group. r_i's are selected randomly
        for each OR i. Then let P_i=r_iU and compute y_vi^r_i for each OR i.
        From each y_vi^r_i a forwards key K_f_i and backwards key K_b_i are

        Let A,..,N be the nodes being put into an onion circuit. Then the
        CREATE_WARPSPEED cell being sent to A has the following payload:
        cid,r_AU,{B, r_BU,{ ... {N, r_NU, {NULL}_{K_f_N}}...}_{K_f_B}}_{K_f_A}
        On recipt of a CREATE_WARPSPEED cell the OR i computes P(r_iU,d_vi)
        and from it derives K_f_i and K_b_i. It then finds out what router
        to send the next CREATE_WARPSPEED cell to. In the process it chops off
        the router's name and replaces it with the circuit id it wants to use
        for that link of the circuit. The NULL message is a EXITING_HYPERSPACE 
        On noticing that the decrypted message is an EXITING_HYPERSPACE cell, 
the OR is
        expected to send a CIRCUIT_CREATED cell back, encrypting it with K_b_i, 
just like
        all traffic on the newly established circuit.

Section 1.1 TODO
Section 1.2 TODO

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