On Fri, 2007-23-03 at 22:04 -0700, Andrew Del Vecchio wrote:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Freemor,
>     What if it was done in a way that educates and informs users, such
> as how Bastille Linux works? Someone could probably easily create an
> installer/GUI config program that teaches the user about network
> security as he uses it. I'm no coder, but I understand a good feature
> when I see it! This may be why I sometimes act as a buffer between
> clients and the techies that can't easily relate to 'noobs'. What do
> you like about this idea?
> Gracias,
> Andrew

That may be a workable model, and I definitely like the educational side
of it. My concern is how would it intercept errors the user was making
in non TOR applications. (i.e. warn them that logging into a non https
site may leak their password, etc). There are now several viable
browsers that users could choose to use with TOR and I think it would be
difficult to make such an application as the one you suggest be able to
intercept all the various gaffs.

  In my experience many users will, and do, go out of their way to
circumvent their own protection unless very aware of the consequences,
and sometimes even then. If they really want to see that funny flash
animation on a certain site, they will find a way to do it and then
often forget to undo the changes they made there by leaving they selves

  I'm not saying it's not do-able I'm just not sure how one could
implement it given all the various browser, plug-in, etc. combinations
that will get thrown at it.




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