Sorry to hear about your leaving but I believe this is the safest
thing to do at this point short of leaving the country. Thanks for
warning us and I encourage everybody else to do this. If you are going
to be leaving the tor community (you will stop running your server,
hidden service, mirror etc.) please let us know. You don't need to
leave an explanation (although it is helpful) but we just need to know
that you are safe.
Good luck,
Comrade Ringo Kamens


I am a german TOR admin ("knuffel"). I have running a mixmaster remailer too 
Both were running on a dedicated root server.

Half a year ago I have had my first trouble with the german BKA. The hoster of 
server got a letter from the BKA and closed my server without any respect to 
the law.
I contact the press an a few days later the server was back and online.

A few month ago I got an anonymous tip, a telecommunication surveillance is/was
running against me and I am listed in a "known" database.

Over the last months, I tried to figure out, what happens.
I contact the data protection official of Germany for help.
Like me, he did not get any information because the prosecution
denied any information with the reason:

"Any information will compromise the security of Germany or one of its parts."
( § 19 Absatz 6 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz )

I compromise the security of Germany, seems I am a terrorist or something like 
The anti-terrorism-law in Germany is not a joke, nothink I want to feel by 
I contact a lawyer and he said, this is not a game, it is real!

Conclusion: The TOR node "knuffel" is down and will not come back.
Please remove it from the directory. All my contact addresses and online
identities related to this kind of stuff will be closed next time.

I have a german website with some stuff about anonymity. It will go
down in 2-3 weeks. May be, some german gay want to download and
save some of my work. I will prepare an offline version of the website:

Karsten N.

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