On Sat, 2007-06-10 at 14:51 +0200, Matthieu Dalissier wrote:

> I also thought at my ISP limiting my bandwith, after a few phone calls,
> they reassured me that limiting bandwith is not part of their policy.
> Besides even if i would do illegal p2p traffic the ISP can't just limit
> my bandwith because i pay a price for this bandwith. This would be fraud
> If i am overloading the Cablemodem with TCP connections, is there a way
> i can see it's limits and how much connections that i have?

You might want to double check on the ISP limiting bandwidth (although
they'll call it something else or deny it was intentional)
I'm on Rogers and they are infamous for throttling
Bittorrent/gnutella/etc down to 2 kb/s (outbound). I also suffered a
drop in 
bandwidth capacity when I was running a TOR server. As running a server
of any kind was a technical violation of their AUP 
(I say technical because their AUP is so vaguely worded and so overblown
that using ping or traceroute could be considered a violation). 
I desisted the server and after a week or two complained about the drop
in bandwidth. they fed me a lie about the signal strength being off 
(it wasn't I know how to check). and after a few minuted had me cycle
the modem so it would pick up the new MIB (which I'm guessing they

So long story short "Bandwidth shaping" is not uncommon on ISP
Especially if you use a lot of outbound bandwidth. They screwed up years
ago going with an Asymetric bandwidth model and are now suffering for it
as more people are needing larger and larger outbound bandwidth (Voip,
P2P, Skype, VPNs, etc)

just my 2 cents worth. 


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