On Nov 12, 2007 1:26 PM, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 01:13:23PM -0700, Kasimir Gabert wrote:
> > The Overnet idea seems a tad silly.  If connections in between servers
> I don't know how well hidden services and current Tor codebase scales,
> but having an anonymous communication space is certainly worthwhile,
> even if read-only. Do hidden wikis see much defacement, currently?
> > need to be logged, I do not think the requirement of logging would
> > change were the connections to be for the Overnet or for the Internet.
> Not all Tor hosts log, and cooperation between different legal compartments
> is much less than within e.g. US and EU. The average network bandwidth
> and latency are likely to get much better in future, so the number of
> hops in a circuit can be adaptively increased to make attack much more
> difficult, logs or no.

You are definitely correct, I apologize.  Only when data is retained
across the world will hidden services not continue to provide the
anonymity that is currently provided... assuming of course that the
Tor servers are not all German.  It would be easily possible for the
government if the hidden server is German to track the connection from
a German user to it, however (after this law).

> > And I honestly do not see a problem with engaging in illegal
> > activities to ensure the anonymity of Tor users.  What the government
> > is doing is illegal by any decent rational standards, and it will
> I agree -- but so far there's no need for it yet. As others have correctly
> stated we need to stay in full compliance of the law (as long as that law
> is not unconstitutional), to not put public support into jeopardy.
> Once however such illegal retention laws have been passed, then only outlaws
> will have anonymity.

That is true, and we all do have until 20090101 to produce a solution.
 It would be bad, however, to lose anonymity for Germans for even a
few days after that date, especially because Germans, as a whole, seem
to be requiring it more and more lately.

> > [hopefully] never come to the level of abuse against us that Ghandi
> > and other active peaceful resistors were subjected to in order to
> > achieve their ends, so it is unlikely that standing on the sidelines
> > and shouting that more people need to join Tor will accomplish much.
> As your attorney, I advise you to to rent a very fast car with no top, and to
> not discuss such issues with anybody else you don't trust absolutely.

Thank you.  Or I should start using Tor... let's see... I need a good name :)

> --
> Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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Kasimir Gabert

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