hi eric,
you make the ff-torbutton?
it is not seczure, as cookiees trac you and referal pages as well and so on,
if you switch off the tor button

is there any solution for this ? is xerbank-browser not better?

Regards Mike

PS: havenĀ“t you interest to build a FF plugin for mozilla and thunderbird of
http://retroshare.sf.net or this PGP messenger into sameplace.cc ?

Thanks for a feedback

2007/12/10, Eric H. Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I am the FoxyProxy Firefox extension author.
> At https://torbutton.torproject.org/dev/, Scott Squires & Mike Perry
> write:
> FoxyProxy
> "[...] So far the author has expressed no interest in implementing
> [proxy-per-tab] ability."
> This statement is patently false. I have repeatedly gone on record as
> saying "proxy-per-tab" is a
> goal of FoxyProxy. I've made this at irc.mozilla.org (#extdev and various
> other channels), the
> FoxyProxy forums (http://z9.invisionfree.com/foxyproxy), and even show it
> as a goal for version
> 2.8 at the FoxyProxy proxy road map at
> http://foxyproxy.mozdev.org/roadmap.html.
> I would have added this feature a very long time ago if I knew *how* to do
> it. Unfortunately, it's
> unlikely to happen even for 2.8 (as shown in the road map) because I'm no
> closer to getting it to
> work than I was a year ago... even after much research.
> If you have any pointers on how to achieve proxy-per-tab, I'd be grateful
> to hear them. I've asked
> in mozilla.dev.extensions, mozilla.dev.tech.network, IRC, as well as some
> prominent Firefox and
> SeaMonkey developers (Christian Biesinger, Benjamin Smedberg, Philip Chee,
> Michael Vincent Van
> Rantwijk, etc.) Christian Biesinger and Michael Vincent Van Rantwijk had
> some ideas which
> eventually panned out.
> One of the problems with FoxyProxy as it relates to Tor have been
> documented here for a very long
> time (linked prominently from the front FoxyProxy web page):
> http://foxyproxy.mozdev.org/faq.html#privacy-01
> Note that FoxyProxy has a broader audience than people wishing pure
> anonymity and so this problem
> is not an issue for all FoxyProxy users.
> At the least, I'd appreciate if Scott and Mike change the torbutton
> webpage. Moreover, I welcome
> you to contribute to FoxyProxy and/or help me solve the proxy-per-tab
> difficulties.
> Best regards,
> Eric Jung

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