algenon flower schrieb:
Hello Everyone!
Been away for a little while, internet access lately has been a bit spotty; access has been hotels with unsecured networks (thanks Best Western),,& my laptop at the all niter next to campus. I am still waiting for comcasts rates to go down so I can re-up with them. Some hint there about my budget. Anyhow, Wow, I am amazed at the reply to this thread, Thanks for all the advice. While I did (in my very own way) seem to fall in love with Linksys because it eliminated nearly all alerts from my software firewall, I can see that it sounds to be a weak point for use with TOR. So, will start by googleing pfSense and m0n0wall. Other user friendly suggestions very welcome. I really don't like the notion of setting up a TOR server w/out a firewall. It just sounds like an invitation to certain disaster. Even with a good (as well as I can make it) firewall, I will still watch it nervously. I do have an extra older computer that might work with a Linux version as a firewall, interesting, a new project for me. Does anyone have a favorite distro of Linux to work with .rpm versions of TOR? I might change to an easier Linux to use than RHEL if other main OS are better w/TOR.
 Thanks all, will keep you updated as to my progress.

try to check out GIBRALTAR Firewall.
I'ts a cd-rom based firewall solution that running out of the box a hardened debian linux without a harddisk. The configuration is stored
on a floppy disk or a usb stick.
For private use it's free.,en/

You have also the option to run tor or other anon software.



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