Kraktus wrote:
Warez is bad, but it hurts people's wallets, not innocent children, so
it's more of an economic crime than a crime against humanity.  In
other words, blocking child porn is more worth the effort.

One could easily argue that the transmission of child porn doesn't hurt children at all, and it's the *production* that does. From there, you run into a supply and demand argument - the more supply there is, the lower the demand is. Economically speaking, legalizing the transmission of child porn might actually *reduce* the harm done to children.

Obviously, this doesn't count the people who may get interested in pedophilia thanks to child porn, the people who may decide to produce some now that it's easier to transmit, or - on the other side - the people who end up *not* committing any of the pedophilia-related crimes due to being able to *ahem* get their frustrations out with porn.

It's not a clear-cut case at all, in any direction, and I would personally rather Tor stuck to their original game plan ("anonymous internet access") than any kind of grafted-on possibly-counterproductive morals ("anonymous internet access for the things that we personally feel are morally justifiable with a day or two of thought").

(On the same vein one could actually argue that warez is worse, as economically, warez discourages production of software, using the same logic where freely distributed child porn discourages production of more child porn. The situation isn't really parallel though - child porn is illegal to produce and that changes the system quite a bit.)


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