TorOp schrieb:
And what's this about?

Jan 27 10:08:00.373 [Notice] Our IP Address has changed from to; rebuilding descriptor. Jan 27 10:08:01.595 [Notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor. Jan 27 10:08:46.068 [Notice] Our IP Address has changed from to; rebuilding descriptor. Jan 27 10:08:51.206 [Notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor.

That seems to be a (rare) issue with the new alpha versions. A similar log has been posted to this list not too long ago (john smith: unusual connection activity?). Note that *both* IPs point to a tor-node: Zippy (MybKsCAd5bQuzF48aFY3JyuOjxs IGJmo96Yu7liu1Y9xM8jSEV82Jk) and maximator (+pyyTwuDM1sEKAOFYKJM2GYdF2c /zMSZTixMZpKvzJjBa0siBJ8O1U), both of which were set up today according to the directory

You were/are not by any chance running a second tor server by the name of maximator? If not, developement must be made aware of this issue.


Mails go unsigned, unencrypted for now because of problems earlier today.

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