I've found the solution, it was the ExitPolicyRejectPrivate option that blocked access, which defaults to 1 and therefore gives a default behavior different from what I expected. As usual, the solution was already in the man pages ...

ExitPolicyRejectPrivate 0|1
Reject all private (local) networks, along with your own public IP address, at the beginning of your exit policy. See above
             entry on ExitPolicy. (Default: 1)


Csaba Kiraly wrote:

I have a problem opening a TCP connection directly to a node which is also a Tor exit node (using I have an experimental setup with 3 OR nodes, the middle one running several Tor instances
OR1, OR2_a, OR2_b, OR2_c, OR3

and I have a constrained path setup:
EntryNodes OR1
StrictEntryNodes 1
ExitNodes OR3
StrictExitNodes 1

When I connect from a client to any server other than PC3, Tor happily creates (or re-uses) a circuit of
client -> OR1 - OR2_x - OR3 -> server

When I try to connect to OR3 itself, I get:

Jan 29 13:06:06.244 [info] choose_good_exit_server_general(): Found 3 servers that might support 1/1 pending connections. Jan 29 13:06:06.244 [warn] No specified exit routers seem to be running, and StrictExitNodes is set: can't choose an exit.
Jan 29 13:06:06.244 [warn] failed to choose an exit server
Jan 29 13:06:06.244 [info] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): No safe circuit (purpose 5) ready for edge connection; delaying. Jan 29 13:06:06.244 [info] connection_edge_process_inbuf(): data from edge while in 'waiting for circuit' state. Leaving it on buffer. Jan 29 13:06:06.808 [info] choose_good_exit_server_general(): Found 3 servers that might support 1/1 pending connections. Jan 29 13:06:06.808 [warn] No specified exit routers seem to be running, and StrictExitNodes is set: can't choose an exit.
Jan 29 13:06:06.808 [warn] failed to choose an exit server

Is this normal behaviour? I though a connection which remains inside Tor is preferred in the case the destination is an exit node. E.g. in https://tor-svn.freehaven.net/svn/tor/trunk/doc/spec/path-spec.txt I have seen this: "We can also cannibalize clean circuits when the client asks to exit at a given node -- either via the ".exit" notation or because the destination is running at the same location as an exit node."


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