Cover traffic is very expensive. Have you ever thought of a spidering
program like YaCy?
Comrade Ringo Kamens
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 9:51 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is in regards to
> are
> A while back, I found advice that users could increase their
> security using Tor by having programs run on their computer that
> would use the Tor Network, so it would be harder for another
> individual monitoring traffic to tell if the user was actively
> using the Tor Network or not; such a program would make it look
> like the Tor Network was constantly in use by the user.
> So, in my search to create "garbage" traffic, just any useless,
> random requests I could have some program send through the Tor
> Network, I found and used the "TrackMeNot" extension for Firefox.
> Now, I can only assume Google, along with any of the other search
> engines, don't appreciate this, but it was intended as a quick fix,
> and it seemed to serve the purpose I wanted it to fulfill.
> The downside being that while I'm probably not causing all the
> Google errors people are encountering, it seems as if I'm probably
> causing quite a lot of them. Before I tried this, I occasionally
> got an error from Google; with TrackMeNot enabled, I ALWAYS get
> errors when trying to search on Google.
> So, I'm still looking for an alternative: a program that would send
> random garbage data across the Internet through the Tor Network,
> but that wouldn't cause any harm.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
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