On Tuesday 28 October 2008 15:50:35 David J. Bianco wrote:
> The idea is that you then configure your IRC client to use
> (or whatever IP you chose) as the server's IP address.  From your
> description, I couldn't tell if you had also done that or not.  If not,
> that's probably the reason it's not working.

OK, so I did that. Replaced irc.freenode.net with but then I get a 
lost connection message and it still doesn't connect

I then stopped privoxy and tor, removed them from the boot service, 
reconfigured KDE to use direct internet connection and rebooted my computer. 
After login, I setup my IRC client to use the old irc.freenode.net address 
instead of and restarted the client. But again, freenode is 
thinking I'm still using tor and refuses to give me access. This is a bit 
strange to me as neither tor nor privoxy are working at the moment. Why does 
freenode still says I'm using tor? 

Also, I went to the Tor detector ( https://check.torproject.org/ ) and 
eventhough both tor and privoxy are disabled, it still says I'm using tor, 
but it does show my original IP, not a torified one

> Grozdan wrote:
> > I then went to the freenode site and looked up information on how to make
> > freenode work with Tor. In the documentation, it said to add the below
> > line to my torrc file - http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor
> >
> > mapaddress  mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion
> >
> > and then to restart Tor, which I did. But I keep getting the same
> > response from freenode and it doesn't allow me to connect at all.



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