Here's the torrc as it now stands.  I thought I managed to get it working 
because it started up and had bootstrapped a circuit and was then Self-
testing...and then suddenly and without any error messages just quit.  I've 
been trying to go through and simply uncomment lines one by one to see when it 
quits dying but haven't yet succeeded, so I am starting again.


## Replace this with "SocksPort 0" if you plan to run Tor only as a
## server, and not make any local application connections yourself.
SocksPort 9050 # what port to open for local application connections
SocksListenAddress # accept connections only from localhost
#SocksListenAddress # listen on this IP:port also

## Entry policies to allow/deny SOCKS requests based on IP address.
## First entry that matches wins. If no SocksPolicy is set, we accept
## all (and only) requests from SocksListenAddress.
#SocksPolicy accept
#SocksPolicy reject *

## Logs go to stdout at level "notice" unless redirected by something
## else, like one of the below lines. You can have as many Log lines as
## you want.
## We advise using "notice" in most cases, since anything more verbose
## may provide sensitive information to an attacker who obtains the logs.
## Send all messages of level 'notice' or higher to 
#Log notice file /usr/local/var/log/tor/notices.log
## Send every possible message to /usr/local/var/log/tor/debug.log
#Log debug file /usr/local/var/log/tor/debug.log
## Use the system log instead of Tor's logfiles
Log notice syslog
## To send all messages to stderr:
#Log debug stderr

## Uncomment this to start the process in the background... or use
## --runasdaemon 1 on the command line. This is ignored on Windows;
## see the FAQ entry if you want Tor to run as an NT service.
#RunAsDaemon 1

## The directory for keeping all the keys/etc. By default, we store
## things in $HOME/.tor on Unix, and in Application Data\tor on Windows.
#DataDirectory /usr/local/var/lib/tor

## The port on which Tor will listen for local connections from Tor
## controller applications, as documented in control-spec.txt.
ControlPort 9051

############### This section is just for location-hidden services ###

## Once you have configured a hidden service, you can look at the
## contents of the file ".../hidden_service/hostname" for the address
## to tell people.
## HiddenServicePort x y:z says to redirect requests on port x to the
## address y:z.

#HiddenServiceDir /usr/local/var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
#HiddenServicePort 80

#HiddenServiceDir /usr/local/var/lib/tor/other_hidden_service/
#HiddenServicePort 80
#HiddenServicePort 22

################ This section is just for relays #####################
## See for details.

## A unique handle for your server.
Nickname Lapdog

## The IP or FQDN for your server. Leave commented out and Tor will guess.

## Define these to limit the bandwidth usage of relayed (server)
## traffic. Your own traffic is still unthrottled.
## Note that RelayBandwidthRate must be at least 20 KB.
#RelayBandwidthRate 100 KBytes  # Throttle traffic to 100KB/s (800Kbps)
#RelayBandwidthBurst 200 KBytes # But allow bursts up to 200KB/s (1600Kbps)

## Contact info to be published in the directory, so we can contact you
## if your server is misconfigured or something else goes wrong.
#ContactInfo Random Person <nobody AT example dot com>
## You might also include your PGP or GPG fingerprint if you have one:
#ContactInfo 1234D/FFFFFFFF Random Person <nobody AT example dot com>

## Required: what port to advertise for Tor connections.
ORPort 9001
## If you need to listen on a port other than the one advertised
## in ORPort (e.g. to advertise 443 but bind to 9090), uncomment the
## line below too. You'll need to do ipchains or other port forwarding
## yourself to make this work.

## Uncomment this to mirror directory information for others. Please do
## if you have enough bandwidth.
#DirPort 9030 # what port to advertise for directory connections
## If you need to listen on a port other than the one advertised
## in DirPort (e.g. to advertise 80 but bind to 9091), uncomment the line
## below too. You'll need to do ipchains or other port forwarding yourself
## to make this work.

On Thursday 13 November 2008 15:06:19 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 02:53:27PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 0.7K bytes 
in 14 lines about:
> : This is driving me nuts.  I have repeatedly tried to upgrade to the
> : latest tor with no success.  If I build and install it without doing any
> : configuration, it will run with the builtin defaults (including the
> : default server name) but if I try to create a torrc file, no matter what
> : I do with it (using torrc.sample as a template) tor fails to run.  No
> : error messages at all.
> :
> : What the hell is it with the latest tor and its config file?  Did
> : something drastic change?  Why is the torrc.sample unusable as a simple
> : template?  I've tried simply uncommenting a few of the basic settings
> : (ORPort, etc) and changing the server name but this alone is enough to
> : prevent tor from running.
> Can you post your torrc somewhere? runs well for me.

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