And thank you for responding so promptly and helpfully.
Whilst we're on distribution issues, the page
is offline
(referred to in the Tor wiki page on verifying signatures: VerifyingSignatures). It took me a while to work out whose key to download - in the end I got them all.
On 5 Dec 2008, at 02:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 12:55:34AM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 1.5K bytes in 40 lines about:
Standard install failed the same way.

You found another packaging bug. It's fixed. The Tor PowerPC-only binary is
available at: and

The issue didn't show up during testing because I had a test version of
libevent installed.  Libevent 1.4.8 is compiled and installed according
to the OS X build directions.  And on a clean OS X 10.3.9 system, the
"b" package installs correctly and without error.

Thanks for reporting the issue.


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