Am 05.12.2008 um 10:22 schrieb Seth David Schoen:

Sven Anderson writes:
Karsten N. just sent to the German exitnodes list a link to an article,
which is very convincing and legally well-founded (see below). It
explains that any service that is being donated to the public, that is, without taking money or any other return service (like advertisements)
for it, is _not_ obliged to retain any connection data! Furthermore,
since there is no gray area, who isn't obliged to retain data is not
_allowed_ to retain data, and can be charged with a fee up to 10.000 EUR
for doing so!

I'm not a lawyer in Germany or any jurisdiction and I don't have any
knowledge or opinion of the convincingness or legal well-foundedness
of this article.  I encourage anyone who might want to rely on it to
seek the expert opinion of a German lawyer.  But I do read German, so
I've translated Karsten's note and (most of) the text of the article
below for the benefit of anyone interested in this material who doesn't
read German.

Wow, that was probably a lot of work, thanks!

However, I want to emphasize that the author of the article, Patrick Breyer, IS a German lawyer and wrote his PhD about data retention. [1] So I think the article itself can be seen as an expert opinion.


Best regards,


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