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David Kammering wrote:
> Matthew McCabe schrieb:
>> Here is where I need your help.  First, is there a good way to filter
>> out torrents in my exit policy?
> I tried out some different exit policies after getting a big load of
> DMCA notices. My provider didn't really mind forwarding them to me but
> it got me started playing with the exit policies as I don't see any
> reason for me donating (expensive) bandwith for filesharing over Tor. I
> am currently running the exit policy pasted below on my exit node:
> ExitPolicy accept *:20-23       # FTP,SSH,TELNET
> ExitPolicy accept *:53          # DNS
> ExitPolicy accept *:80-82       # HTTP
> ExitPolicy accept *:110-119     # POP3/NNTP
> ExitPolicy accept *:143         # IMAP
> ExitPolicy accept *:443         # HTTPS
> ExitPolicy accept *:465         # MAIL
> ExitPolicy accept *:587         # MAIL
> ExitPolicy accept *:993         # IMAPS
> ExitPolicy accept *:1194        # OPENVPN
> ExitPolicy accept *:1720        # H.323
> ExitPolicy accept *:1731        # Netmeeting Audio Control
> ExitPolicy accept *:5050-5061   # YAHOO MESSENGER, SIP
> ExitPolicy accept *:5190        # ICQ
> ExitPolicy accept *:5222-5223   # JABBER
> ExitPolicy accept *:3128        # Proxy
> ExitPolicy accept *:8080        # Proxy
> ExitPolicy reject *:*           # Disallow everything else
> I think most needed protocols are included but I got my copyright
> infringements down to zero.
> Maybe redefining your policy would anticipate further problems with your
> provider but still keep your exit node quite useful to most of the users.
> YT,
> David
Please document your interactions with the police, MPAA, and your ISP.
It will help future and current Tor server ops.

If you can, publish the threat letters.

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