Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 03:37:05PM -0500, wrote:
>> Incidentally, I work at a (different) hosting provider.  We aren't
>> particularly interested in being defenders of people's rights.  If
>> someone cost us money or time in proportions we find to be excessive, we
>> assert the right to not renew or maintain a business relationship with
>> that someone.
> Current cheap servers do at least TByte/month traffic for 50 EUR, or so
> (then they throttle you down to "only" 10 MBit/s, or you pay some 0.10 
> EUR/GByte overtraffic).
> Another plan is 70 EUR for 5 TByte/month. There are multiple ones with
> a flat rodent option for a little more.
> If you run a middleman on that infrastructure, nobody is going to give
> a flying fuck since no complaints come in.

Right.  In terms of cost, I'm also considering the cost of our general
counsel fending off irritating cease-and-desist crap from various
rightsholders.  And the cost of having a support staffer be forced to
investigate a server because of a complaint from a third party.

In principle {RI,MP,whatever}AA complaints are handled the same as
Dos/DDoS/spam/UCE reports: we get too many implicating the same customer
and the customer gets booted.

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