i'm on windows, where am i supposed to find it ?

I've got a "geoip-cache" but it do not seem to be recognize when i rename it
to "geoip" (logs says this file is not in proper format)


On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 8:18 PM, <pho...@rootme.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 03:20:08PM +0100, garicoo...@gmail.com wrote 1.1K
> bytes in 34 lines about:
> : 2/ I try to add an exit node country restriction with theses lines
> : ExitNodes {fr}
> : StrictExitNodes 1
> : But Vidalia request a geoip file, where am i supposed to find this file ?
> You should have the file in the bundle already.  Depending upon your OS,
> you may need to apt-get install tor-geoipdb as well.
> --
> Andrew

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