
it was not a spam in my case. See that piece of shit:


I run a forum at ****.co.uk and tonight a user has highlighted a private
message that was sent from the following IP: 72.14.**.** on: Fri, 13 Mar
2009 21:20:54 UTC.

The recipient has personally contacted the Child Exploitation & Online
Protection Centre www.ceop.gov.uk however, having done a lookup on the IP
and finding this email address, I wanted to alert this to you too. I have
now blocked any access from 72.14.*

Here was the original message:

***** wrote:
I've had it with you, cun.t. I know more about you than I should. I've seen
what you look like, fatso. And when I drop by your area I am going to find
you, and I am going to fu.ck you up your arse and then strangle you to
death. No joke.

I will watch your face while you run out of breath and shrivel up and die
like the fanny licking little faggo.t you are. Oh what a fun sight it'll be.
A sight for sore eyes? YEAH.



Forum admin is probably also an id*ot, because I dont know, why he blocks
subnet of 65000 IP address because of single abusive post. On other hand, I
accept my VPS's provider attitude, because it is unacceptable to leave his
IP pool in blacklists...

As I wrote many times before, running my VPS has priority No.1, but I also
like to support Tor and I will try to find any solution to keep exit node
running. If anybody have an idea, please help me!


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 3:05 AM, krishna e bera <k...@cyblings.on.ca> wrote:

> I have gotten two abuse complaints relating to posting of spam onto
> Craigslist
> via my Tor exit node.  In each case i sent the complainant and my ISP a
> note about
> Tor (modified EFF DMCA response) as well as a suggestion that part of the
> problem
> is the website's failure to require users to authenticate and confirm
> postings.
> Forum users can be anonymous but still maintain a solid internet
> reputation.
> Even anonymous users can be identified and located based on repeated
> abusive
> behaviour at other forums.
> Also, it would be overkill for the website to ban the entire IP space of
> your
> VPS provider since they need only ban the IP that your Tor node has (or all
> Tor
> exits e.g. using TorDNSEL service
> https://www.torproject.org/tordnsel/index.html.en)
> Good luck!
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 01:18:10AM +0100, slush wrote:
> >    Hi,
> >
> >    Im running Tor on VPS and I have some problems with abusive Tor
> traffic.
> >    Firstly, I had problem with DMCA and BitTorrents, so I close
> non-HTTP(s)
> >    ports and everything was OK for few months. Now, some dumbass wrote
> >    abusive message to some web forum, which was reported to police. They
> >    located my server as source. Last message from VPS admin is:
> >
> >    -----------------------
> >    Hello Marek
> >
> >    While running a Tor node is not against our TOS, allowing traffic to
> pass
> >    through your servers that results in our IP space being banned
> certainly
> >    is.
> >
> >    This is your first abuse ticket, so we will set it to auto-close in 48
> >    hours.  If we do receive additional complaints we will need to ask you
> to
> >    remove Tor from your Linode.
> >
> >    Regards,
> >    *********
> >    --------------------------
> >
> >    I dont want to close HTTP ports 8-), but next report of abusive
> traffic
> >    will lead to shutting down Tor or whole VPS :-(. So is there any "best
> >    practice", what I should do now? DMCA response is probably not fitting
> to
> >    this issue...
> >
> >    Thanks,
> >    Marek

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