It's my experience that Polipo provides for faster proxying than Privoxy
(running both on a recent Ubuntu). However, Polipo is not uniformly stable
on Windows. I use Privoxy with local Tor instances on Windows, but Polipo on

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 18:00, Jim McClanahan <> wrote:

> Jan Reister wrote:
> >
> > Il 28/09/2009 15:25, Eugen Leitl ha scritto:
> > > Why the switch to Polipo from Privoxy? Is Privoxy officially
> > > deprecated now?
> >
> > I just found out today and am wondering myself. From hearsay, Polipo
> > should perform faster and better.
> There was a somewhat extended discussion about Privoxy vs Polipo on this
> list not too long ago (a month or two?).  You may wish to review that.
> My recollection of that discussion is that Polipo being better was
> called into question.  Certainly Privoxy is alive and well.  Besides
> plugging DNS leaks, the two programs serve somewhat different purposes.
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