2009/10/30 Andrea Ratto <andrearatto_li...@yahoo.it>

> Hello list!
> To run a VPN on top of tor one must be able to separate tor traffic from
> the rest and route tor connections to the physical network, and
> everything else to the vpn virtual inteface.
> That is theoretically possible by doing something like this:
> 1- bootstrap tor and have it connect to some relays
> 2- get the ip addresses of those relays
> 3- instruct tor not to connect to anyone else
> 4- add routing for those addresses and start the VPN
> I can do point 1 and 4, but I am not sure if point 2 and 3 are
> practically possible with tor. This is where I ask for help.
> If I put it all together I will be happy to share my script for a VPN on
> top of SSH on top of tor, for an exotic blend of anonimity,
> confidentiality and authentication. For any clarifications, please ask.
> Bye
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To make 2 and 3 points:

Choose relay_name here: http://trunk.torstatus.kgprog.com/index.php

And put to "torrc" config file:
StrictEntryNodes 1EntryNodes relay_name

RTFM: https://www.torproject.org/tor-manual.html
with best re

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