
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Carolyn Anhalt <> wrote:
> Today I fought with my lawyer for the acquittal of Tor:) Here is our press
> release:
> Jena, 29.10.2009
> Today, the Local Court of Jena, Hall 1, held a criminal trial against the
> domain owner of, Theodore Reppe. The criminal charges were
> computer fraud - Reppe was accused of posting false information on the
> Internet and thereby causing damages amounting to 38.55 euros. The only
> evidence: An IP address that led to Reppe's customer data. After the opening
> statement, defense attorney Norman Lenz read out comments and other
> statements from Reppe that the court and prosecutor had to see that Reppe
> was not the culprit. In fact, it turned out that the Tor server operated by
> Reppe had been misused by someone else.
> The question ensued between the court and defense as to whether Reppe was
> still guilty since he had allowed the transfer of the fraudulent data. The
> court offered the popular conservative view that projects such as Tor are
> more harmful than useful, stating claims such as, "There's nothing to fear
> if you have nothing to hide!" and "This server could also allow anonymous
> distribution of child pornography!" The defense countered: "These sorts of
> statements could also justify the elimination of private mail and personal
> correspondence." In the end, the presumption of innocence was upheld:
> Reppe's Tor server only anonymizes and encrypts activity, it is not itself
> the source of illegal activities, and thus the court had to acquit him.
> Please send questions to and they will be promptly
> answered.
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Brian Mearns <> wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek
>> <> wrote:
>> >> And here is the german press release:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > Please publish an English translation, so it gets Googlified.
>> >
>> >                                        Juliusz
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>> Yes, I'd really like to see an English version if possible.
>> Congratulations!
>> -Brian
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