Olaf Selke wrote:
> since a couple of days my tor node logs a problem with tor.dizum.com:
> Nov 11 13:30:42.034 [warn] http status 404 ("Not Found") reason
> unexpected while uploading descriptor to server '').

the error vanished with v0.2.2.6. Has dizum's address been changed or was it a 
in v. Now it's .212 again.

anonymizer2:~/tmp# diff tor- 
tor- | grep 194
<       " 7EA6 EAD6 FD83 083C 538F 4403 8BBF A077 587D D755",
>       " 7EA6 EAD6 FD83 083C 538F 4403 8BBF A077 587D D755",

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