nnnnnnnnn...@safe-mail.net wrote:
> With mounting security problems I'm finally saying, "Firefox and Tor? Forget 
> about it!!"
> http://secunia.com/advisories/37699/
> I want something less bloated like Dillo:
> http://www.dillo.org.
> I haven't tried the old & outdated distro called ELE:
> http://northernsecurity.net/download/ele/
> "What is ELE?
> ELE is a bootable Live CD Linux distribution with focus on privacy related 
> software. It is based on Damn Small Linux and aims to be (obviously) as small 
> as possible. The first release was 65M, the current one 61M.
> What does it include?
> Irssi, Gaim, Dillo, Firefox, SSH, VNCviewer, Xpdf, most of the standard Linux 
> apps like wget and vi. It uses the Fluxbox window manager. Everything, except 
> VNCviewer at the moment, passes thrugh Tor. When using Dillo or Firefox 
> scrubbing is done by Privoxy and the Google search engine has been replaced 
> by Scroogle."
> but it sounds sweet. I've decided to go in this direction, using Dillo and 
> Privoxy on a personally rolled together Linux LiveCD or USB. I'll try basing 
> it off of Damn Small Linux
> http://www.damnsmalllinux.org
> first to see how well it works.
> When using Firefox and Torbutton* along with Noscript* and Privoxy* (or other 
> extensions), It feels like I'm riding on an elephant or whale of a creature 
> who is open to anything with its seedy downtown brothel breath fogging up my 
> glasses. Firefox doesn't feel safe to use anymore, especially in a tor 
> environment where hostile injections are a growing concern. (* No offense to 
> Torbutton, Noscript and Privoxy developers you make fine software and I'll 
> continue to use Privoxy with another browser, but how many more combinations 
> will we continue to need to plug Firefox's issues with tor usage and how many 
> soft spots could be considered possible or future vectors in each piece we 
> plaster on top?)
> Please tell me what you think of all of this and whether or not this is a 
> proper direction to go on or if Dillo's audience is limited and doesn't 
> receive enough testing to warrant switching to Dillo.
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You may want to look at the Chromium Browser VM.  It's beta, but
functional and supports Tor.
It's also 3x faster (inside a VM) than Firefox running natively on the
host OS.


WHAT IS Chromium Browser VM?

The Chromium Browser VM is what the name says, the Chromium web browser
<http://dev.chromium.org/> running inside a virtual machine
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Machine>. The primary difference
from other VMs is that the browser window is being exported back to the
host OS using the X Window System <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11> (or
X11) protocol. By running Chromium inside a VM, we are protected from
unknown malicious exploits, vulnerabilities, and side channel attacks
<http://www.deanonymizer.com> that could compromise our security,
privacy, and anonymity. By exporting the browser window back to the host
OS, we get a look and feel as though it's just another application on
our system, even though it's running from inside the VM. This creates a
secure environment in which we can now run Javascript, Flash, and Java
in a browser without having to worry about compromising the host OS if
we get exploited.

Side note, the ISO can also be burned to a CD-ROM and used as a boot CD.
It may or may not be what you're looking for, but I thought I would
throw it out there.

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