On Sun, 2009-12-27 at 04:50 -0700, Jim wrote:
> arshad wrote:
> > hi all,
> > what is the difference in using privoxy and polipo?
> > im in ubuntu and have used both. and privoxy seems unable to render
> > all .gifs file. it shows part of the gif or in some cases won't show the
> > animation.
> Privoxy has the ability to "deanimate" gifs.  Check your Privoxy 
> configuration.
> The "Look up which actions apply to a URL and why" link in Privoxy's web 
> interface may be useful to you.
> Cheers,
> Jim
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thanks for the reply. i looked at links.
will u be kind enough to breif how to resolve the problem please?
thank you.

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