On 12/29/2009 8:28 PM, Andrew Lewman wrote:
> On 12/29/2009 04:49 PM, Programmer In Training wrote:
>> As for the documentation, it's like the other docs in that I've found
>> them too convoluted for the beginner (like me) to understand and I wind
>> up asking more questions then I really need to. Also, everything is so
>> spread out (wiki here, documentation there, etc.) it can be hard to find
>> any particular piece of information. I'm just aiming to provide a simple
>> "starter" element that the average user can understand as they become
>> more security conscious (which is the whole point of my privacy series
>> that I started with "The Privacy Mandate").
> Great.  I like that you want to write about technical bits for a general
> audience.  Most of Tor's documentation is in the code, in doxygen, or
> written for developers.  We don't have enough cycles to write for a
> general audience.

Completely understood, and thank you. (:

> Feel free to ask for clarifications on confusing points.

Will do. (:

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