
I'm using the lates stable release for Mac Os X

I always restricted my exitnode to the UK, by setting strictexitnodes and 
having an exitnodes line followed by a list of UK exit nodes names and that 
works fine.

Recently I tried 

exitnodes {gb}

and Tor cannot connect.  

Shouldn't this work? Am I missing something?

Also, where exactly is the torrc config file I am suppossed to edit on the Mac 
with the official installtion package?  The one I found and used was blank.

Seth L. Ness M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Medical Leader - Pediatrics
Neuroscience Therapeutic Area
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development L.L.C
920 Route 202 South, (Rm 2379)
Raritan, New Jersey 08869

Tel: 908-927-3487
FAX: 609-964-1913
Email: s...@columbia.edu

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