RBR is doc'd to be only relay rate + directory requests.

Is and if so, where is the client rate limited?
Is and if so, where is the HS [onion] rate limited?
Is and if so, where is there a distinction made between non-exit and exit rate?

And which rate, if any, is the parent rate?
 Does BR = RBR + OR ?  ie: BR >= RBR
 Does RBR = BR + OR ?  ie: RBR >= BR

Define: Other Rate = OR, undoc'd rate for client and/or HS [onion],
etc. If there is no OR in use at any given time, will the child
rate grow on the fly to fill the parent? Will the child get pushed
out of the way under the parent cap when the client and/or HS is
used? Or put another way, how does client and/or HS usage play with
BR and/or RBR?

Are client and/or HS only considered a 'node'?


>From the man page:
       BandwidthRate N bytes|KB|MB|GB|TB
              A token bucket limits the average incoming  bandwidth  usage  on
              this  node  to the specified number of bytes per second, and the
              average outgoing bandwidth usage to that same value.
       RelayBandwidthRate N bytes|KB|MB|GB|TB
              If  defined, a separate token bucket limits the average incoming
              bandwidth usage for _relayed traffic_ on this node to the speci-
              fied  number of bytes per second, and the average outgoing band-
              width usage to that same value.  Relayed  traffic  currently  is
              calculated  to  include  answers to directory requests
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