Olaf Selke wrote:
> since a couple of days tor logs an error condition about every 32 hours.
> Even looking at the code I don't really understand the cause.
> Jan 07 00:56:46.100 [warn] Failed to decode requested authority digest
> 14C131%2027B6B5%20585769%2081349F%20E2A2AF%20E8A9C4.
> Jan 08 09:48:38.437 [warn] Failed to decode requested authority digest
> 14C131%2027B6B5%20585769%2081349F%20E2A2AF%20E8A9C4.
> Jan 09 17:35:39.847 [warn] Failed to decode requested authority digest
> 14C131%2027B6B5%20585769%2081349F%20E2A2AF%20E8A9C4.
> Jan 11 01:05:58.288 [warn] Failed to decode requested authority digest
> 14C131%2027B6B5%20585769%2081349F%20E2A2AF%20E8A9C4.

Hi folks,

still getting these errors. Is there anybody out there knowing what this

Jan 12 08:57:59.119 [warn] Failed to decode requested authority digest
Jan 14 11:40:05.641 [warn] Failed to decode requested authority digest

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