On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 11:29 PM, John Brooks <spec...@dereferenced.net> wrote:
> As a vaguely related sidenote, is it intentional that openssl is
> statically linked? I would expect that Tor more than anything would
> want to benefit from security updates as quickly as possible, and most
> package managers / people won't rebuild it after an openssl update.
> Seems a bit dangerous. I was able to confirm that I was running with
> the right version, though, by adding the following right under Tor's
> version notice:

Tor links against openssl dynamically for me, at least.  Let us know
if there's some more magic we need to do in src/or/Makefile.am to make
it dynamically linke for others.

I'm not sure openssl builds shared libraries by default, though: could
that be the problem.

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