This is is a valid concern. The only thing I can think of to mitigate
this is enforcing on all nodes hosted by us MyFamily config option to
at least include all nodes controlled by coldbot.

On 20 February 2010 18:44, Michael Gomboc <> wrote:
> Is it a good idea if one company hosts a lot of tor nodes? I don't think so.
> If 100 persons run a tor node hosted and monitored by I
> don't think that would be great for the tor network!
> Correct me if I'm wrong.
> Regards,
> Michael
> 2010/2/20 <>
>> I would like to see Tor stay 3 hops for the purpose intended. As time
>> passes, the developers will make it faster.
>> Do nothing that will compromise anonymity.
>> Anonymity is on a precipice and needs to be kept from being pushed or
>> dragged over. Something big is going to happen and much is already happening
>> in attempts to interfere with anonymity (Tor), and particularly if something
>> does happen and there is no community available (Tor), to communicate
>> anonymously with, the populace will be in deep stuff.
>> I personally don't trust anyone who wishes Tor to be dropped to two (2)
>> hops. If one wishes faster surfing, then use the available world wide
>> Spider's Web.
>> Wish I knew more so I could be a server for Tor but apparently there is no
>> one in my part of the world using Tor, thus, no one to talk to or help me
>> learn more, faster and with better understanding.
>> Because I don't know very much, I cannot tweak Tor as so many do. Thus, I
>> have almost no problems with it as is but don't know how to check just to
>> make sure. I keep reading but it's way beyond me.
>> Cheers, regards and salutations
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: wuiv yccwg <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2010 7:22 am
>> Subject: Re: Searching for "good" ISPs
>> Hi All,
>>  Sorry for this shameless plug, but it seems to be very relevant to
>> the topic. As someone said before this is Capitalism and if there is
>> demand there will be supply.
>>   I am actually working for a startup company Coldbot (UK),
>> and we are running a beta test of hosted Tor
>> service (still very much in development stage, though). Feel free to
>> have a look. The idea is to to give customers an option to run Tor
>> servers without getting too deep into technical details and without
>> worrying how 'Tor friendly' their ISP is.
>>   The plans are to have Tor, VPN and some kind of proxy server
>> services which customers could pick and match in any combination they
>> want.
>>   As one of the options the customers could VPN into coldbot network
>> and use it as the EntryNode their Tor server running on Coldbot
>> network. Which would be almost the same as having so much discussed 2
>> hop Tor routing. Quite a few other combinations are possible as well,
>> including simply running a Tor server either as relay or exit.
>>   Basically, I am after some feedback and maybe a wish list or
>> suggestions. What Tor community would like to see in such kind of
>> service provider?
>>  Thank You.
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> --
> Michael Gomboc
> pgp-id: 0x5D41FDF8

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