I need some help.
Can anybody tell me what the solution to the following error message is?

Feb 27 15:57:56.437 [Notice] Tor v0.2.1.23. This is experimental software.
Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Windows XP Service
Pack 3 [workstation] {terminal services, single user})
Feb 27 15:57:56.437 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 1.4.13-stable
using method win32. Good.
Feb 27 15:57:56.437 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on Feb
27 15:57:56.437 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
Feb 27 15:57:56.765 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP file.
Feb 27 15:58:59.625 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority
moria1; launching request.
Feb 27 15:58:59.625 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority
tor26; launching request.
Feb 27 15:58:59.625 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority
dizum; launching request.
Feb 27 15:58:59.625 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority
ides; launching request.
Feb 27 15:58:59.625 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority
gabelmoo; launching request.
Feb 27 15:58:59.625 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority
dannenberg; launching request.
Feb 27 15:58:59.625 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority
urras; launching request.
Feb 27 15:58:59.640 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%:
Connecting to directory server. (Socket is not connected [WSAENOTCONN ];
NOROUTE; count 4; recommendation warn)
Feb 27 15:58:59.640 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%:
Connecting to directory server. (Socket is not connected [WSAENOTCONN ];
NOROUTE; count 5; recommendation warn)
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