
On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 12:43:13AM +0100, Paul Menzel wrote:
>Am Mittwoch, den 03.03.2010, 00:30 +0100 schrieb Hannah:
>> On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 12:26:57AM +0100, Paul Menzel wrote:
>> >[...]

>> >I am out of ideas. It would be really nice, if someone could help,
>> >because otherwise the paid traffic volume will be wasted.

>> Did you check CPU usage? If your CPU is maxed out, a higher
>> configured bandwidth allowance won't help.

>the CPU usage shown by arm is 1.6 % and I verified this with `top`.

>So that should not be it.

Ok. Do you have a fixed IP and has your relay run for long enough so it
is deemed stable by the authorities? I think those are factors that
might detriment the usage of your relay, as well. And it may also be
influenced by whether it's an exit or a pure relay (or bridge).

Kind regards,

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