----- Original Message ----
> From: Marco Bonetti <si...@slackware.it>
> To: "or-talk@freehaven.net" <or-talk@freehaven.net>
> Sent: Sat, March 27, 2010 1:18:07 PM
> Subject: Re: Is it possible to use eDonkey clients with the Tor?
> Actually, you can use a donkey client with tor but it will be useless: you'll 
> end up as a leech with no one being able to connect to your real ip 
> address.
On a side note, I'm not too sure about the burden of a torified 
> donkey client: leeches get really slow download speeds.

Couldn't someone pretend to be many leeches until the pipe was full of really 
slow download connections? I thought that that was the main problem with 


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