Thus spake Kobe, Fan YANG (

> Hi every one,
> Sorry to bother you guys in the mailing list. Can anyone tell me the
> current status of Tor Android client Orbot and further development
> plans? I'm an Android student developer with one year experience. I'm
> currently working as an intern in a company designing a weightloss
> robot based Android system. I'm very interested in this Android
> client. Any info. or help will be appreciated!

This is a great place to ask us about this sort of thing. Perhaps even
better is, and we'd love someone to work on
Orbot for GSoC.

The Orbot bug tracker is at: and
has some items to be worked on. Otherwise you should perhaps directly
talk to Nathan (n8fr8 on #tor-dev on, the current orbot
developer about what might make a good GSoC project. I've CC'd him.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

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