> What happens when you try to visit https://bridges.torproject.org/
with your (non-torified) browser?

I can confirm that it's possible to access this site at the present time.

Thanks for the feedback on this question & thanks also for providing
some alternative methods for obtaining bridges.



On 4/1/10, Roger Dingledine <a...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 01:50:06PM +0000, john smith wrote:
>> I've been unable to download bridges in the 1.3.3 version of the
>> tor-browser bundle for windows, when attempting to download bridges
>> via Settings>Network>Find Bridges Now.
>> Each time I attempt to download bridges I receive the following:
>> "Unable to download bridges: HTTP request failed".
> What happens when you try to visit https://bridges.torproject.org/
> with your (non-torified) browser?
>> Is it possible this connection is being blocked from within the
>> country where I'm attempting to retrieve the bridges (Thailand) or
>> perhaps from somewhere else?
> It's possible. It's just a website, and the people running your country's
> firewall are already good at blocking websites when they choose to.
> Also, you should notice that the bridges given out via https tend to
> get blocked earlier than the bridges given out via gmail. So if they do
> block that website, it may be that the next step is to block the bridges
> it gives out.
>> Of course I've been able to obtain & successfully use bridges using
>> the other [documented] means of acquiring bridges but I'm left
>> wondering why this connection problem is happening and if anyone else
>> was having similar problems either in Thailand or elsewhere?
> A fine question. Last I heard, that website is only blocked in China.
> --Roger
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