thanks for the replies, that's totally true it's certain that they
will give me that "bait and switch" treatment. the reason im getting
that cheap vps is some sort of a learning environment. im totally
starting from scratch here, knowing nothing from vps to unix. so im
not losing that much with a cheap vps if every thing goes down every
now and then.
but as soon as i successfully install and run exit node and specially
how to secure those datas/logs out from the reach of everyone then i
will move immediately to a more expensive vps.
hoping while im still learning somehow someone have the patience to guide me.

On 4/5/10, Roger Dingledine <> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 04, 2010 at 01:15:52PM +0200, Gitano wrote:
>> DC wrote:
>> > to start learning and trying it myself i will get a cheap vps to start
>> > with.
>> > what's the os version specifically that works best with Tor?
>> I prefer Ubuntu-server, but Debian is as simple.
>> Please have a look at:
>> But beware - on a vps you should reduce the BandwidthRate/BandwidthBurst
>> to an appropriate value!
> But also see
> If you get one that's too cheap, it might be so cheap because they're
> lying to you about actually providing a server environment big enough
> to run programs like Tor. Many VPS providers get away with this "bait
> and switch" approach because most of their customers don't actually use
> the VPS for much, so they never notice that it's artificially crippled.
> --Roger
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