On Apr 15, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Scott Bennett wrote:
Unfortunate (IMO), the latest versions have the support for .exit
either disabled or deleted, apparently leaving us no easy way to
such tests. I've asked recently on this list whether some other
easy way
were available, but have been met with silence, so I assume that there
still is none.
If you want the functionality, feel free to set the AllowDotExit
config option
to 1. Note that this can't be recommended, because it opens you up for
attacks where the exit node can choose who your exit is going to be,
unless you use encrypted protocols when webbrowsing only.
# This file was generated by Tor; if youedit it, comments will not
be pres=
I think the comment may be a lie. It's most likely a torrc
produced by
vidalia, not tor. (Someone please correct me if I've forgotten some
case in which tor does rewrite a torrc.)
I think it is more likely that the file was written by Tor, via the
torctl command.
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