Hey everyone,

I'm Kevin Berry, one of the GSoC students working for Tor this summer.
Originally from New Jersey, I'm currently a junior at Villanova University
in Philadelphia. I will be guided by Karsten on "Extending Tor Network
Metrics." My plans revolve around porting Ernie (the metrics portal
software) to a dynamic web application. I will add a search feature to the
*large* amount of relay descriptor data (for specific items like server
names, characteristics), and automate the collection and publishing of a few
high-level network statistics. If you haven't yet read my initial proposal,
I'm including it here:
http://kjb.homeunix.com/files/gsoc2010_tor_application.html . The timeline
was made a bit more specific since I submitted it. Lots to do!

I plan on hosting my GSoC blog and project at http://kjb.homeunix.com .
Since a bit of my project involves web development, I plan to have snapshots
of my project hosted there. It's a dynamic dns domain pointing to a box at
home, so I apologize if it is slow/unreliable at times.

I'm usually idling in oftc and freenode as kjbbb. I've already met a few of
you, but definitely feel free to drop me a line. I will be around a lot more
often after finals end next week, so I will have time to set up, ask
questions, and get ready to begin working this summer. I'm excited to be
able to dedicate my full time to open source and Tor, so thank you Google
and everyone else involved for giving me this great opportunity!


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