On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Moritz Bartl <t...@wiredwings.com> wrote:

> I would also like theoretically to accept anonymous donations for a node
> (not for the VPN/webspace stuff of course), but the problem there is not
> so much accepting it (PSC, Ukash, Liberty Reserve etc), but making sure
> that the money comes in regularly to fund the node.

A thought: Currently there is a "Donate!" section on torproject.org,
that doesn't mention what the money is used for or how much money that
comes in. I think a lot more people would donate if they could see
that the money went directly to fast tor relays. Why not do something
similar, set up a pool that people can donate to, and put it up on
torproject.org. (I can see the issues with advertising it on the
website, but that's just a suggestion.)

// pipe
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