I want the HTTP URLs to be blocked entirely, so that it is not passed on to

But I still want the HTTP URL to be in the Firefox URL bar, so I can try if
https works (by adding the "s").

If it doesn't then I can disable it on that URL.

However if I redirect it to a page on my local host, won't it come like this
in the Firefox URL bar C:\block.html ?

Basically I guess I am looking for something that the corporate firewall
did...I think it did that because all the company resources to do work was
on https website, and there was no need to surf the interwebs...and in those
days there was no https Google....

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:44 AM, Seth David Schoen <sch...@eff.org> wrote:

> judaiko judaiko writes:
> > Let me say this first:
> >
> > One company had a firewall that blocked all non SSL traffic.
> >
> > So if you go https://mail.google.com and you sign in, it will stop you
> > at one URL which was not https.
> >
> > I am not sure if Gmail still does this i.e. redirect you to non https
> > (http) url after login, and then again go into https mode when you
> > enter gmail.
> >
> > So this firewall used to give error saying not allowed, but when you
> > changed it to https, the previous Gmail redirect url worked, and I
> > could login to Gmail.
> >
> > Now is there an add-on that does this in Firefox?
> >
> > Block ALL http traffic by default?
> EFF has been working on one called HTTPS Everywhere:
> https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/
> There are some subtle issues around situations where a site
> supports HTTPS for some resources but not others.  For example,
> you can currently use
> https://www.google.com/
> for encrypted web search, but only the unencrypted form
> http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en
> for translation services.  As a result, HTTPS Everywhere has a
> database of rules with exceptions, so that a rule can apply to
> only a portion of a site.
> This may not do exactly what you want because you might prefer
> to block HTTP URLs entirely, rather than allowing them only if
> no HTTPS equivalent exists.  You could probably achieve this in
> HTTPS Everywhere by adding a local wildcard rule that matches
> every HTTP site and redirects it to an intentionally broken
> page, such as a URL within your local host.  The means of setting
> up your own local rewrite rules are described at
> https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/rulesets
> --
> Seth Schoen
> Senior Staff Technologist                         sch...@eff.org
> Electronic Frontier Foundation                    http://www.eff.org/
> 454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, CA  94110     +1 415 436 9333 x107
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