some alternatives that dont require blocking Tor:
- authenticate new members by non-electronic means
- disallow posting of links by new members
- moderate content

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 01:10:28AM +0200, Moritz Bartl wrote:
> (Forwarded with permission)
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Posting of links to inappropriate sites on children's website
> via Tor
> Date:         Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:44:26 -0400
> From:         Amos Blanton <>
> To:
> Greetings,
> I help manage the community on the Scratch website. Scratch is a
> programming language for kids developed and provided for free by an
> educational research group at MIT. You can check it out here:
> There is a teenager in New York who has decided to create new accounts
> to post links to trolling sites like
> <> etc. on the Scratch website, which allows kids
> to share projects and comments. It being a site for kids ages 8 and up,
> that's not good. :(
> This is the node that was most recently used:
> I think we can find the originating IP from our records, if that would help.
> In the past this person created accounts to post links in our forums
> using free web proxies, and now they're moving on to posting them in
> comments via TOR.  I guess we'll have to block new accounts from TOR
> nodes - but do you guys have any alternatives you can recommend? I
> understand and accept your mission to support privacy, but unfortunately
> I can't see any good alternatives to blocking Tor nodes right now. I
> have read the FAQ, but I thought I'd see if you have any other ideas.
> Thanks very much for your time,
> Amos Blanton
> Scratch Team
> -- 
> _____
> Amos
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