On 2010-06-30 18:31, Udo van den Heuvel wrote:
> On 2010-06-30 11:15, Marco Predicatori wrote:
>> Can you see your node on the public lists?
> Nope.

Still the same logging:

Jun 30 18:45:04.097 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 18:50:03.649 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 18:55:03.954 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:00:03.883 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:05:03.237 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:10:03.503 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:15:03.679 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:20:03.557 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:25:03.761 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:30:03.747 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:35:03.893 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:40:03.806 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:45:03.030 [notice] New control connection opened.
Jun 30 19:50:04.047 [notice] New control connection opened.


So what can I do to help find the reason/cause/error/bug?

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