On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Moritz Bartl <t...@wiredwings.com> wrote:

> I have started to collect statistics and some of my answers on a wiki page:
> http://www.wiredwings.com/wiki/Torservers.net_Main_Page#Statistics
> So far, there's not been a single real conversation with anyone about the
> legal status.

Documenting your experience is helpful, thanks!  I hope you can also
get to the root of the problem.

I can't give you legal advice, but I've operated Chilling Effects for
7+ years without encountering any serious problems publishing
cease-and-desist letters people have received.  I haven't heard that
the postings have caused anyone else trouble either.  We've said that
posting the letters is necessary to analysis of their legal claims,
and therefore fair use, see


Wendy Seltzer
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