Hi, [Apologies for double-post - I sent this on tor-relays@ a while back but did not receive an answer]
I’m currently running an Ubuntu-based VPS with the end-objective of turning it into a Tor node. However, I lack knowledge about the basic, practical concepts of networking within a server. I understand Tor rather well and am very much at ease with Linux administration. What I lack is a good understanding of how the network comes together at the server level. For example, I cannot visualize how my VPN and Tor would co-exist. My understanding of ports, reverse DNS or internal tunneling is rather fuzzy. Is there any book or some on-line documentation that you would recommend in this case ? This would help me avoid making obvious mistakes while I jump aboard. Thank you, Olivier. *********************************************************************** To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majord...@torproject.org with unsubscribe or-talk in the body. http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/