On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 10:36:24PM +0100, runa.sand...@gmail.com wrote 1.1K 
bytes in 26 lines about:
: > refuses the connection.

This is by design, use ssl.

: > btw: the ssl-certificate has been expired in March 2010
: Thanks for letting us know about this issue as well. We are aware that
: the cert has expired, and we will renew it in not too long.

Actually, the cert is stil valid, just the ssl mafia doesn't approve of
it.   The serial number and sha-1 hash hasn't changed in a year or so.
At some point we'll move it over to the wildcard cert.  For now, we're
not wasting money to avoid a silly browser warning.

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

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