On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Praedor Atrebates <prae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am running a tor relay called "Stonekeep".  I have port forwarding set on 
> my firewall/router and my personal system firewall permits connections to the 
> tor ports.  I am also running Vidalia (Vidalia 0.1.15, tor  My 
> relay never shows up in the list of servers/relays and doesn't show up on the 
> various tor network status pages.  Why not?  I cannot find anything amiss to 
> render my system invisible or unusable to the network.  I have no trouble 
> using the tor myself.
> praedor
> --

 How many days is your relay up and running with out going down and/or
having to reboot? I have found that if one keeps rebooting or the
relay keeps going down, it takes a while for it to be recognized.

Also I have seen where it may take several minutes for the network
status to populate before a relay shows up. The biggest issue I
personally have seen is if one can't stay on line for any length of
time, the relay probably will not show up.

I am sure there may be other reasons, but this has been my observation .
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