Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> While I do think it's good to see the funding there are two points that
> are important to remember.
> 1) this is a freesoftware project the code is there for all to see,
> hopefully clueful people other than the US Government are reading it.
> 2) no matter who's funding it the US gov't could read the code (see
> above) and would continue to (potentially) have a near global view of
> internet traffic.
> To a large extent freesoftware defends agains the worst abuses funders
> can demand (1), but I wouldn't fully trust TOR against China either (2) 
> -Jon
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I think so too.
But I have an asking - were there any court proceedings (successful or
not) against tor-users based on their deanonimisation in the USA?
Because I never hear or read about it I very want to know it.
If there were no such proceedings it seems to me that we must
acknowledge that efficiency of the Tor has very high level.
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