On 23/08/10 23:21, Jonathan Lassoff wrote:
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Matthew<pump...@cotse.net>  wrote:
It is also worth noting that Craigslist prevents the use of Tor albeit in a
very strange way.

If you try to post using Tor the ad will be permitted at first and people
can contact you.  However, after about 15 minutes (and it is always about 15
minutes) the post is "flagged" and disappears.  This happens even if the
exit node is in the same location as the section where you are trying to
place the ad e.g. using a Californian exit server and the ad is something to
do with California.

I can understand that every day or week the Craigslist system has a look at
the Tor exit nodes directory and therefore can identify Tor nodes.

What I fail to understand is why the Craigslist policy is to permit the
posting then "flag" it after 15 minutes or so?  Is this automatic?  Is it
human?  I find it bizarre.  What might be the reasons?
That's interesting. I haven't tried this myself, but I would imagine
it may have to do with the way that craigslist generates their pages.
I could be very wrong, but I think that they're regularly generating
static pages to be served rather than making them dynamically.

For example, if you're searching for a popular term or watching a
popular category, the page for a search only seems to get updated
every 15 - 20 mins at which point several new entries will show up.

Maybe posts created from tor exit nodes are flagged in this automatic
page regeneration?

This most perfectly explains the situation.  Thank you - much appreciated.

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