I have been having the same issue on my Droid with the 2.2 firmware, which
is rooted.  The alternative I do is create a PPTP VPN tunnel back to my home
server that is running JanusVM.

The downside is everything goes through the vpn, including apps like e-mail
when all you want is a browser using it.

On Sep 14, 2010 7:27 PM, "Stephen Carpenter" <thec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone had any luck getting orbot working on android 2.2?
> I installed it from the market, and it of course, immediately set out
> to root the android. I did it, and orbot requested root access, I
> granted it.
> Then I turned on transparent proxy, and selected "browser" and a
> couple of other apps to be proxied. It claims to connect just fine to
> the tor network, and is able to build a circuit.
> So far I can't get tor check to say I am using tor. Has anyone had
> -Steve
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